Monday 8 February 2016

A Typical Day

So here's what I do on a typical day as a PCV in a small town in the Namib Desert:

I wake up and say good morning to K&C's monkey from La Sandia.

Then I wash yesterday's socks and myself.

Breakfast is usually corn flakes, sometimes with a banana.

I dress and take my anti-malarial doxy and a vitamin pill.

Then I walk to work - ten minutes or so.

Along the way I may run into this nice ol' guy...

and offer a snack (thanks, M!) or pats.  He loves pats, but maybe snacks more.

At the office...

I say, "!Gai /goas" to Helena...

And, "Goie more" to Ester in the senior library.

Then I head for my office and log in to the network.

Most of my work is research and writing - letters, grant applications - and preparing for English classes and business classes I hope to commence teaching in March.  I also meet with a few people each week who are looking for ideas, advice or assistance for their small businesses.  I expect that will pick up once the classes begin.  I have to remember to get up and stretch at some point, or I'd spend most of each day just sitting in my desk chair.

In the afternoon some kids might come by and color.  Thanks, M!

My bulletin board is a lot fuller now
than it was in August, when I took this photo.

And walk past this de-commissioned ore truck as I head back to the house.

Collect my toasty warm and thorougly-dry socks from the line...

Depending on the season, I may find dead flies on the windowsill at home.

I try to get some exercise before supper, or maybe after according to day-length
and hunger levels.  Noodles and veg; that's pretty typical.  Maybe more often
rice pilaf with lentils and veg or fried rice with veg and an egg.

Friends and family join me - in photos - at supper.

A bath as needed, and back to bed.

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